Tuesday 13 July 2010

Turning Barriers into Bridges

What a lot of people expect is that when you become christian life becomes really easy. This is not true you do go through bad times and experiences, except now you have God on your side who will help though it. Jeremiah 29:11:"For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future".

God has got plans and blessings for us to enjoy but quite often there are barriers in our way that stop us from enjoying these wonderful things that God has for us. A while ago I had the biggest barrier ever put in front of me. My girlfriend who I cared for so much left me for another lad. After a lot of personal problems at home I was starting to recover from them and that barrier hit when my guard was down. I was struggling badly as I went into a terrible state of depression. I was dwelling on the past and not looking at the new opportunities God had right in front of me. If you was driving a car and kept looking in the rear view mirror you would keep crashing because your not focusing on the road a head of you.

We do not get put into these situations for no reason at all. Everything happens for a reason. These barriers that we are facing are actually bridges to Gods blessings in disguise, we just need to see with spiritual eyes to see the bridge. I believe that what happened to me needed to happen so that God could get to know me a better and to prepare me for the future so that I am able to tackle even bigger barriers that are to come later. I also learned to have faith in God and that all i need is him. So whatever it is that you are going through I guarantee by the end of it you will have crossed the bridge into God's blessings and you will be stronger than ever.
Remember God loves you no matter what.

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